2022 has marked a milestone for the ScanCom Group and our work with sustainable and natural material sourcing for our outdoor furniture production – the 20th anniversary of our Group Company: ScanCom do Brasil!
Opened in 2002, ScanCom do Brasil is the primary supplier for the beautiful FSC™ eucalyptus used in the ScanCom outdoor furniture pieces sold all over the world. A combination of a commitment to work sustainably and in full compliance, the strong structure of environmental and socially correct commitments are at the very heart of ScanCom do Brasil’s history and operations.
Originally operated from small, rented buildings, the operations in Brazil have grown through the years and since 2007 have been run at fully owned facilities – without losing sight of what is most important: FSC™ compliance, a concern for the environment and a high level of material quality. In fact, ScanCom do Brasil secured FSC™-certification after only one year of operation!
ScanCom do Brasil entrance gate - then (2002) and now (2022)
Speaking on the occasion of the anniversary ScanCom Group CEO, Stig Maasboel, stated: “We are immensely proud of being able to join in the celebration and recognition of ScanCom do Brasil’s 20th anniversary! It is a testament to the hard work, dedication and continued long-term journey we are on together in the ScanCom Group, as well as to the passion and commitment of our colleagues in Brazil.”
Over the years, an area of approximately 81,000m² has been adapted to continuously meet our principles of quality of life, health and well-being of our employees, quality of our products and services - without harm to the environment - and socially contributing to the provision of employment and income for the municipality.
Naturally, none of this could be achieved without diligent backing from the Group and owners of ScanCom International, as well as very solid partnerships are also part of our history and are still present today.
In 2014, the facilities were audited by IKEA, passing all requirements set with the stringent regulations of the company. An important achievement for ScanCom do Brasil and for ScanCom International. Additionally, investments in information security were made in 2015, integrating all areas and ensuring reliability in the consolidation of data and information.
Since 2017, ScanCom do Brasil have been under the General Management of Mr. Fábio José Bertola, who assumed the role and applying all the experience he had gained since his hiring in 2005.
In spite of 17 years of working, Fábio has never lost sight of the core values and goals for ScanCom do Brasil:“It is a pride to be part of these 20 years of ScanCom do Brasil, working with the guiding principles of "Doing Business the Right Way". With support from our top management, with an engaged team that outshines itself every day to face adversity, these 20 years we have talked about various domestic and international economic crises and even a pandemic, while never stopping our core work with an ecologically and socially correct material, the eucalyptus.” Fábio shared, before continuing: “Because our material from ScanCom do Brasil is renewable and 100% FSC certified, we have a material that meets all the requirements for respecting the environment and society and that generates CO² capture from the atmosphere and thus creates a positive balance for the world.”
In April 2021, ScanCom do Brasil also received the Renewable Energy certificate accompanied by a report of avoided emissions of gases that contribute to the Greenhouse Effect, where it is stated that the emissions avoided voluntarily in 2020 are equivalent to 1,029 trees – which is 30 YEARS worth! - in a reforestation project.
2021 was also the year of the implementation of the “ScanCom de Ponta a Ponta”. A project to join forces with eucalyptus producers, maximizing the sustainability of the business, increasing their earnings and supporting flow in their production. Our partnership is aligned with business sustainability, where, as a way of maintaining our commitment to the supply of wood, we have long-term contracts, thus ensuring strong and lasting relationships with our customers and suppliers.
ScanCom do Brasil storage and shipping area - then (2008) and now (2022)
At the end of the last fiscal year, we reached the number of 2,943 containers exported, which are equivalent, in area, to approximately ten football fields, resulting from the work of our employees, customers and partners, who made their best effort to reach these numbers.
In 2022, the year of our 20th anniversary, we expanded drying capacity with the construction of new greenhouses and enhancing the production process. Another very important achievement in 2022 was our GPTW (Great Place to Work) Certification, which places us in the ranking of the best companies to work for, thus making ScanCom’s Brazil operations a differentiated company in the local labour market.
As already mentioned, we have always held great concern for human beings and the differences between individuals. We seek to offer professional development opportunities to all our employees and we are always attentive to social issues. We have programmes that address issues related to health, mental health, and quality of life of employees and their families, believing that we can promote the happiness of our employees, who make their best effort to extend this happiness to society.
All these achievements – which are only some to share, from 20 years of hard work - are the result of the effort and commitment of all the employees who are now part of ScanCom do Brasil and of all those who passed through and helped us to write this successful history.
From all of the ScanCom Group to ScanCom do Brasil - Feliz Aniversário!!